Whatever your reason for visiting, we hope the video gives a flavour of an interesting country.
Mexico have accepted ATA carnets for temporary import since 2011. They can be used for professional equipment, commercial samples, including prototypes, or creative works and goods for presentation at trade fairs, or exhibitions.
Carnets are normally valid for 6 months, rather than the customary 12 months. An extension can be applied for, which must be made to Mexican customs before expiry and will need to be approved by them.
Another slightly unusual variation is the need to register your ATA carnet in advance, through the Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City.
Registering Your Carnet
Carnet registration is available at this online portal. The text is Spanish, if you need a translation, in most browers you can right click and choose translate to English. The Google/Chrome version is pretty accurate.
Along with details of the purpose of your visit to Mexico, the information needed to complete the online form is:
- Type of ATA Carnet, i.e. original, duplicate, or replacement.
- ATA Carnet number, or of a replacement if this is applicable.
- Name of the guaranteeing organization at the place of issue.
- The carnet holder’s name and any authorised representative.
- Exact dates of issue and expiration, as shown on the carnet.
- Intended use of the goods and a general description of them.
- Total number of goods/items in column 3 of the general list.
- Total value of the goods, as in column 5 of the general list.
- The means of transportation used i.e. sea, air, rail or road.
- Name and email of clearing agent in Mexico, plus your email.
Our team will naturally offer assistance on this. When planning your trip, please bear in mind that approval can take 2 to 3 days.
Carnet Use In Mexico
Carnets have been processed at other locations but the official entry points for them are Mexico City Airport, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Cancun, Tijuana, Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Altamira, Veracruz, Manzanillo, Cabo San Lucas and Santa Rosalia.
You will find that Mexican customs officials are familiar with the ATA carnet system and there are few issues. if you need to contact a higher authority whilst there, the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce (CANACO) is a good option:
Telephone: 5255 3685 2269 ext 1302
Email: karagonc@camaradecomerciodemexico.com.mx
Web: http://www.camaradecomerciodemexico.com.mx/
Opportunities In Mexico
With a population of 130 million and GDP running close to £1.5 trillion, Mexico offers significant commercial opportunities. The country may have a bad press at times but there have been useful changes.
The electronics industry has grown enormously over the last decade, vast numbers of cars are manufactured. Renewable energy is becoming common and efforts to improve education are driving much of the change.
The welcoming nature of the country’s people and fantastic biodiveristy also make Mexico a fine place to do business. If our team can help, please get in touch at any time.