The Netherlands has proven popular with UK companies looking for an EU base, along with wider trading opportunities.
8000 years ago, Britain was joined to The Netherlands (Holland) by a land bridge known as Doggerland. That link gave way to the sea and more recently Brexit brought further separation but both countries maintain a wish to trade.
The relationship is quite equal, with exports from the UK currently £37 billion and imports from the Netherlands £38 billion. Investment levels in each other’s economies are similar, at around £160 billion, they are our 4th largest trading partner.
Cultural similarities and English being widely spoken in the Netherlands helps, along with systems we continue to share.
ATA Carnet Procedures
The Netherlands accepts ATA carnets for professional equipment, exhibitions, business fairs, commercial samples and scientific equipment. There are few non perishable items which will not fit into an approved category.
Carnets can be used for transit to non EU countries and for postal traffic. Replacing a lost carnet is allowed, subject to customs permission, as is extending the validity period, which is normally twelve months.
All Netherlands customs offices will accept carnets and staff are normally familiar with them. Very few issues have been reported.
Should you have a rare problem, or lose a carnet, contacting us (24hr support) is likely to help. The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK or Kamer van Koophandel) oversee procedures in their country and can be contacted on 088 585 2342.
As with all ATA carnets for the EU, once inside, you are more or less back in a pre Brexit position and able to move across 27 countries quite freely.
Ample Opportunity
The Netherlands is a major gateway to Europe and a financial centre. UK financial institutions looking to trade directly in the EU have turned to the location, as have other sectors but there are non resident business opportunities.
A range of professional services companies are exploring options, along with the technology and green energy sectors. There is also a high regard for British products in the Netherlands, enhancing the chance to build relationships.
Personal visits are a great way to start, attending business fairs, or service trips. Our support team will be pleased to advise, on how ATA carnets can help to maintain trade supporting over 200,000 jobs in each country.