From The Hobbit to Avatar, New Zealand is famous for blockbuster locations and offers far wider business opportunities.
Agriculture is still a significant part of the economy, although the service sector has become a rival and continues to grow. Investment in information and communications infrastructure is at world leading levels.
New Zealand’s GDP has reached £100 billion per annum, bringing opportunity for trade with a fascinating country. The UK is their 5th largest partner, supplying products which are considered to be high quality.
Our language, legal and financial systems are similar, customs procedures are aligned, including the use of ATA carnets.
Carnet Standards
An ATA carnet for New Zealand is available for exhibitions, trade fairs, commercial samples, or professional equipment. They are valid for 12 months, can be replaced if lost and cover transit operations, unaccompanied, or postal goods.
If there is a genuine reason for items to stay more than one year, New Zealand customs will normally grant an extension.
They are also knowledgeable on carnet procedures at most ports of entry and few problems are reported. If you do happen to need a helping hand when in New Zealand, the Wellington Chamber of Commerce are at the centre of carnet operations:
Website: WECC Online br>
Telephone: 04 473 7224 br>
Email: carnet@wecc.org.nz
Alongside customs, they helped to set up a no contact system during the coronavirus epidemic. Scanned copies of carnets and other documents can be sent in, no stamp naturally but a cover letter confirming processing is sent in return.
A Business Welcome
No doubt stamping and processing of physical carnets will resume but the move is indicative of a rational, friendly place to do business.
The core rules and etiquette are not so different from the UK. Social and business attitudes reflect a country which was the first nation to give women the vote, along with welcoming people of all creeds to a temperate climate.
Whether you are attending a trade show, filming amidst great scenery, or demonstrating a special product, our team will be pleased to assist. New Zealand ATA carnets can be supplied to fit with your schedule.