Vietnam has modernised and become more business focused, yet retains amazing biodiversity, a home to 16% of our planet’s species.
ATA carnets have been accepted by Vietnam since May 2022. As with many new members, they may expand categories over time but at present only accept carnets for exhibitions, fairs, meetings, or similar events.
Vietnam customs define this as temporary import for the purpose of introducing machinery, systems, or other equipment. Electrical items, or construction materials for stands are allowed, as are advertising, or display items.
They also mention interpreting equipment, audio and video facilities, educational, scientific, or cultural films for an event. In reality, most non perishable items intended for a promotional visit should be fine.
Procedures In Vietnam
The time Vietnam invested in customs staff training has been worthwhile. From evidence available to date, their staff have a good knowledge of carnet use and of what is permitted within their system:
- ATA carnets can be used for goods in freight, or hand luggage.
- Carnets are not accepted for transit items, or postal goods.
- Replacement carnets are accepted, where a loss has occurred.
The position on extending carnets is less clear. Vietnam customs state this may be possible before the existing carnet expires, subject to permission. They do however point out that the need is unlikely, as carnets are valid for 12 months and only accepted for events.
A Place Of Opportunity
Vietnam are members of the Trans Pacific Partnership, which the UK recently signed up to and we have a separate trade agreement. Both will develop over time but are a sign of a wish to trade and to remove barriers.
A few export areas are becoming established, from UK produced beverages, to medicines and pharmaceutical products. In the growing Vietnamese economy, other opportunities do exist for manufacturers and service providers.
We import electronic items from Vietnam, such as phones but export highly specialised electronic equipment to them. Inroads are being made with medical and optical equipment, along with related skills and support
Having A Smooth Journey
At the end of a 6,000 mile journey, you naturally need to know that the final stage will be hassle free. An accurately prepared ATA carnet can ensure this and allow you to focus on the reason for your journey.
Should you have any need for support within Vietnam, the best contact is:
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry4th Floor9 Dao Duy Anh Street10000 – Hanoi
Telephone: +844 574 3985
Email: vcci@fmail.vnn.vn
Dynamic’s team will also be available and offer out of hours support. The need to use this is quite low, our support staff are used to preparing ATA carnets for Vietnam and happy to offer any advice you need.