An EU ATA carnet give border free access across 27 countries and can be used for as many visits as you wish over a 12 month period.
For decades, we saw the term UK/EU Customs on paperwork, the two dominions were joined at the hip but this is no longer the case. Since 1st January 2021, ATA carnets have been required for temporary export to the EU.
Whilst our new relationship may evolve over time, the international ATA carnet system was already in place for temporary exports. All EU countries are members and with the bloc’s open borders, the same ATA carnet can be used Europe wide.
Once validated by customs at your point of entry, your carnet acts as a transit document. No further clearance is required to travel to other EU member states and you can leave Europe through whichever one you choose.
Carnet Use In The EU
In the early years, application of ATA carnet rules in EU countries did vary. The legal basis for use came from the ATA Convention in 1961 and the Istanbul Convention on Temporary Admission, in 1990.
They still apply, which is why the ability to use a carnet is not affected by Brexit. The EU have however made an effort to harmonise the system, through joint initiatives, along with internal legislation in 2013 and 2015.
ATA carnets across the EU can be used for:
- All professional equipment.
- Trade fairs and exhibitions.
- Commercial samples & trials.
- Educational or cultural items.
In reality, almost any non perishable items you can think of could go on a carnet. The exceptions are perishable, or consumable goods, items which will be altered, such as through repair, or where alternatives schemes are being used for duty refunds.
The System In Practise
The ATA carnet system is well established across the globe and within the EU, you are unlikely to meet local issues. EU customs authorities should not present any barriers.
An EU ATA carnet will normally be valid for 12 months. In line with the EU Customs Code, replacing a lost carnet, or renewal (before expiry) are both possible, you need to liaise with your carnet supplier and the local customs authority.
As with all aspects of carnets, professional advice will help, although they are not complex to use. Accurate preparation is the key, along with understanding individual needs on the goods you are taking and your itinerary.
Alteration of goods beyond normal wear and tear is not allowed, the standard guarantee requirements apply and licences for restricted items are still needed. In essence, an EU ATA carnet works as the system was meant to.
Intended Benefits
The core purpose of ATA carnets is to facilitate trade, through easier border passages, reduced cost and red tape. Being able to use a carnet several times in the same 12 month validity period can also help, with the EU close by geographically.
A particular advantage of an EU carnet is the ability to visit 27 adjacent countries, through open borders and with no further cost, or hassle. Admin, or delays are also reduced when you return to the UK.
Freedom of action is important in businesses large, or small. Whilst leaving the EU has by nature produced a customs barrier, an ATA carnet will provide safe and straightforward passage for temporary exports.
Our friendly team can supply an ATA carnet for the EU at short notice, or pre-planned. To order a carnet, or for any advice you need, please contact our support team.