You are welcome to talk with our support team, before spending time preparing details for an ATA carnet.
Providing thousands of carnets across industry sectors helps us help you. Items with unusual requirements, or a few which might be left off a list, are familiar to us. The same applies to procedural variations around the globe.
They can relate to the use of agents, or representatives, a need to register before travelling, restricted goods, although core requirements will apply everywhere.
Essential Details
The principles of the ATA carnet system are ownership (responsibility) and that the goods which arrive are the same as those you leave with. Established by required information:
- The Carnet holder, normally the owner of the goods, responsible for taxes & duties.
- Details of the person(s) who will travel with the goods and oversee customs transit.
- Intended use of the goods, in principle to establish appropriate carnet categories.
- A list of goods to be taken, individually itemised and with identifying information.
The four above are the main elements of every application. Significant amongst them is the ability of customs officers to be able to identify goods and prevent substitution.
Serial numbers often make sense, the weight, in most cases an appropriate value. With almost all non perishable items able to travel on a carnet, there will be variations in approach, as there can be across locations.
Local Differences
The most obvious is that not all ATA carnet members allow all categories. A fair number only officially allow items for trade fairs, or exhibitions, others may allow professional equipment but not commercial samples.
Even then, slotting items into suitable categories may be possible. A rarer yet more important point to note is restricted, or prohibited goods.
An ATA Carnet does not set aside requirements to meet local licensing controls. They may be environmental, political, commercial, or security related. The goods can still travel on a carnet but also need an appropriate license.
Rules for representatives can vary. In most cases, a standard letter if authority is fine, although in Turkey, an approved power of attorney is required. In China, naming your agent is part of pre-registration.
English is an international business language and all you require in the majority of places. In a few countries, a translation will be mandatory, in a smaller number, you may need accompanying documents translated.
Carnet Use In Practice
Providing they are accurately completed, carnet use in the great proportion of member countries is straightforward and in others can be.
We make no charge for support, or advice, as this benefits everyone and removes hassle. Meeting local requirements before you leave is easier than trying to tell a customs official they are breaking the Istanbul Convention.
As long as they are happy with the approach, you can carry items through without any extra declaration. Depending on the port, or airport, if goods are freighted, they may simply need to be on a standard customs clearance request.
ATA carnets really are an asset, saving time, money and doubt, allowing you to focus on business. If we can help ensure your use in unhindered, by all means get in touch with our support team at any time.