A reminder of the global agreement which underwrites ATA carnets and how much more they may be needed after Brexit.
Whilst many of our clients regularly use carnets, we appreciate they may be new to others. Their function is to eliminate duties and taxes on temporary exports and to make life easier, by simplifying customs procedures.
Carnets are reasonably straightforward, although getting them wrong can cause hold ups, or expense. Our support team are available to assist at no cost, the Q & A below may help with core points:
What type of goods can an ATA carnet be used for?
The carnet categories are commercial samples, professional equipment and goods for exhibitions, or fairs. There is flexibility and this tends to cover almost any non disposable item. Bear in mind that a few countries do not allow all categories.
Are any items not allowed on a carnet?
In essence, any case where the same goods will not be re-exported. This may be because they are sold, processed, repaired, or perishable, or consumable items. You can see more on ATA carnet exceptions.
Which countries accept ATA carnets?
Most developed countries are members of the scheme, almost 80 in total. This includes the BRIC nations, Russia, Australia, Canada, Japan and the US. By all means see a full list of carnet countries.
Do you need a carnet for Europe?
You do and almost all European countries are members, although the EU is one customs zone and once inside, a carnet can be used to freely travel across 27 countries. See a separate section on ATA carnets for the EU.
What if a carnet is required urgently?
Same day carnets are available, normally within a few hours, by courier, or collection at our offices. We would suggest you phone our team as soon as you are aware of the need and they will act promptly.
Can I use a carnet for hand luggage?
This is quite normal and time saving, customs staff can validate your carnet on entry and exit. See more on using carnets with hand baggage, along with a list of useful contacts at UK ports and airports.
How about items needing a license, or permit?
An ATA carnet is an alternative export procedure and does not change international, or local law relating to goods. If export licenses, restrictions, compliance actions, or special permits applied, they still do.
What information is needed for a carnet?
Essential details include the owner of the goods and where there is a difference, the person travelling with them. Each item will need to be listed to establish categories and for identification, see more on application information.
How long are ATA carnets valid for?
in a majority of cases, they are valid for 12 months, however there are some countries that have time restrictions. Again with a few exceptions, as long as you apply before expiry, carnets can be renewed if your stay extends.
What happens if you lose a carnet abroad?
Contacting your provider promptly is an essential step (such as on our of hours number). Most customs authorities will allow a duplicate to be issued for the same goods and forwarded to you.
Does using a carnet generally work well?
Professionally prepared ATA carnets are a remarkably successful option. The system has been in place for over 50 years, is well proven and continues to grow as developing economies see the benefits.
Sticking to the core rules of the carnet system helps to avoid issues, such as not selling items on the list. That apart, you will find that customs staff in most countries understand and appreciate the approach.
If you would like to order an ATA carnet, or simply run through any questions not answered above, by all means talk to our support team at any time.