Dynamic Dox want to support customers, not concern them and most journeys using a professionally prepared ATA Carnet go exactly as planned.
We simply ask that you bear a few core points in mind, to avoid bureaucratic tangles, delays, or sudden expense. They will help ensure your carnet remains valid and the system serves as a business benefit:
Can I extend the validity of an ATA Carnet?
12 months is the limit for validity, although extending your carnet covered stay is possible. An overseas customs offices can grant permission for a replacement ATA Carnet to be issued, allowing your goods to remain in the country on the same basis.
The replacement carnet must be applied for prior to the end date of the original carnet and the customs office normally provide permission in writing. Our support staff can advise further on the process.
What if I am over time and the carnet has expired?
Penalties or duties will not normally apply for a return to the UK. Overseas customs may well levy charges, assuming the ATA Carnet has expired before your goods are re-exported from their country.
What happens if my ATA Carnet is lost, or stolen?
Dynamic Dox can prepare a substitute carnet identical to the original and have this despatched to you. Alternatively, any goods covered by a lost, or stolen carnet can be entered to temporary importation.
Can I add extra items to the carnet list?
Unfortunately not, once a carnet has been issued the list is final. You can of course take out a further carnet, although listing items to be covered is an area where we recommend care, accuracy and advice.
What can cause overseas customs units to file a claim?
In essence, the customs authority of a country you visit can file a claim where there is no record of re-exportation. Examples might be:
- Incorrect validation of the carnet vouchers by UK, or overseas customs.
- When items listed on your carnet have been lost, stolen, or destroyed.
- If the ATA Carnet itself is lost, stolen, destroyed, or overly defaced.
- If the carnet list gives an improper or inadequate description of goods.
- Where goods listed on a carnet are not re-exported in a timely fashion.
As with any travel document, care of use is helpful. We have prepared a page and corresponding PDF on carnet user responsibilities. You are welcome to read, or download a copy, to check essential points.
What is the cost to obtain a valid ATA Carnet?
There is no fixed cost, as fees vary according to the value of goods, countries to be visited, security bonds, or insurance. Costs will however be a fraction of the value of items covered, carnets are a rational investment.
With Dynamic Dox, you also get a guarantee that we are never knowingly undersold. Our specialist focus makes us competitive, simply contact our support team to make an application and they will explain costs in detail before you proceed.
We hope the points above helped explain carnet validity. You are welcome to call our team for further clarification, or see further pages in the main ATA Carnet information centre.