The goods we use are becoming a digital network, should the carnets they travel on join them?
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is working towards a digitalised ATA Carnet system. Following a stakeholders meeting at the World Customs Organization in June 2017, to discuss the principles.
The system demonstrated there is based on a current repository of key ATA carnet data managed by the ICC, using a mercurial system. An approach which offers both centralised and distributed data storage, or updates.
Since the meeting, Ata Carnet members have been seeking to establish a pilot, which should be launched this year. There will be much to be worked out in practice.
System Objectives
Making transactions and therefore travel easier is the core objective, along with preventing customs claims and reducing admin. Welcome developments for customs offices and the business community.
Designing the task into a Mercury type installation also makes sense. An approach which is meant to meet defence and intelligence standards, alongside commercial use.
This should provide enhanced data security and may do so. We simply believe that in terms of security and deployment, much thought will be needed.
Practical Reality
One of the advantages mentioned by the ICC was the ease of integration for customs offices. Yet customs offices worldwide have vastly differing IT systems, we hear of ATA carnet members still running on non networked Windows XP.
Although admittedly smaller scale, there are elements in the ATA carnet case reminiscent of the attempted UK implementation of a total NHS IT system. A plan which fractured, having disposed of about £10 billion.
In this case, there will also be the need to deal with around 60 languages and offer training to staff who are as diverse as the systems they use. A requirement which has stretched global superpower businesses, such as Google.
Pursuing The Carnet Purpose
There are suppliers who offer a form of online facility now for ATA carnet application. Dynamic Dox could easily do so but we choose not to.
The purpose of an ATA carnet is more than passage of goods, people want a safe and hassle free journey, to focus on their objectives. They do not want delays, errors, film shoots, presentations, or fairs missed.
That’s why we ask customers to speak to our support team, at no cost. Misunderstanding is eliminated, carnets tend to be flawless, everyone can get on with their business as they intended.
We are not being a wet blanket and are not opposed to development which will make our lives easier. All our staff wish the ICC well and don’t doubt that ATA carnets will one day be fully online, we just believe that day is some way off.