From recently made videos, to international training sessions, the ICC continue to promote a global system.
Over 60 years, the ATA carnet system has grown to become the leading approach to temporary export, used in over 80 countries and territories.
We know that in excess of 200,000 carnets are issued each year, covering £20 billion worth of goods. Accurate data from each member country is not always available, although a couple did recently provide this.
Carnet Use In China
In 2023, China issued 9,273 ATA carnets, with a total goods value of £300 million. They were provided to over 3.700 companies and whilst high tech manufacturing bodies held a leading role, other sectors are joining in.
The number of carnet users had more than doubled year on year, as was the case for other documentation, such as certificates of origin.
China’s Council for the Promotion of International Trade has been busy. Exports increased by around 50% over the 5 years to 2023 and whilst growth has levelled off to a degree, they still wish to move forward.
The decision in 2019 to widen categories for ATA carnets in China will continue to play a part, expanding access to global markets.
Carnet Use In Dubai
The Dubai Chamber of Commerce issued 5,492 ATA carnets in 2023, covering a goods value of £1.1 billion. This represented year on year growth of 47% in value and an impetus which looks to be continuing.
In January and February of 2024, a further 1,118 carnets were issued, highlighting Dubai’s position as a regional hub and their ability to move forward.
The ICC recently recognised this, with the Secretary General presenting an award to the Dubai Chambers President, for their contribution to the development of the Chamber Model Innovation framework.
The framework focuses on fast tracking chamber innovation, which has certainly happened in Dubai. Their emphasis on modernisation and collaboration is paying dividends, as we are seeing from the increasing number of carnets being issued.
Across The Globe
More countries continue to become members of the ATA carnet family, as they recognise the value this can offer in an ever changing world.
As recently as 1990, the global export value of trade in goods was around £3 trillion and is now in excess of £20 trillion. This has come about through systems which unite us, rather than create unwanted barriers
Carnet use for the same period has risen from 25,000, to more than eight times that number. Indicating the part hassle free temporary exports hold in trade, in their own right and as as facilitators of future trade.
If our team can help you to widen the regions you trade with and make ATA carnet management a pleasure, by all means get in touch.