The invitation at the end of the Horizon Europe video is “Join Us” and the UK is now participating once more.
Horizon is one of the world’s largest research and innovation programmes. After a 3 year hiatus, UK scientists are again able to be fully involved, as they are in the Copernicus Earth observation project, giving access to valuable data.
The UK was an important player in Horizon and should be in the future, with much to add to the project. From life sciences, to aerospace, or AI development, UK skills and knowledge are able to contribute globally.
To do so, individuals, or teams have to travel, often needing to take equipment to other countries on a temporary basis.
ATA Carnet Principles
ATA carnets allow hassle free, duty free access for goods to over 80 countries around the world, including the whole of Europe. There is a specific Scientific Equipment Convention within the rules for carnet use.
This covers scientific equipment itself, spare parts and tools for maintenance, gauging, or repair of the equipment. Almost anything imaginable a scientific team would want to take is likely to fit the category.
Their ATA carnet will normally be valid for 12 months, cover multiple trips during that period at no additional cost and potentially be renewable.
Areas Of Use
A key use for carnets can be in supporting the exchange of ideas. Specialist equipment can help to demonstrate them, allow people to share in taking them forward, or bring visual reality to a presentation.
Investigations can involve visiting different regions, from forensics, to anthropology, or the growing UK area of environmental science.
A team will require their own equipment, to take measurements in our oceans, forests, or ice fields. This could range from a delicate probe, to a submersible, or purpose built drone, each able to gather data on a changing planet.
The field of medicine is advancing at speed, with UK companies leaders in research. Similar applies to areas of biological, or chemical science, where skills heading overseas need equipment to support them.
A Critical Sector
As the UK rejoined Horizon, the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research & Culture stated this would be “A clear win for both sides and for global scientific progress. Together, we can push further and faster.”
British science is respected around the globe and is the future. With our industrial heritage, there is often talk of revamping traditional industries but the reality is that our success to come sits elsewhere.
Inventions and ideas which drove our industrial development can do the same for healthcare, artificial intelligence, ensuring our children have a planet to live on. British science and research has much to offer.
If you require an ATA carnet for scientific equipment, or to support other innovation, our support team will be privileged to help.